The Economy and Environment Partnership for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) is pleased to announce a call for concept note for a research seed grant, which provides researchers in Southeast Asia the chance to develop a full research program proposal in preparation for larger research grant applications.
Researchers from EEPSEA member countries (i.e., Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam) are invited to submit their concept notes.
Research topics that apply the tools of economics in the analysis of policy-relevant environmental challenges are invited. Priority is given to topics on trans-boundary environmental problems or trans-disciplinary approach.
Chosen concept note will be funded for developing into a full research proposal that is ready to be submitted to potential funding agencies. Final output of this research seed grant will be a research proposal that may contain several general research objectives and work packages in 3 years or more.
EEPSEA funding for this seed grant, which would cover proposal writing, write-shops, seminars, scoping survey or brainstorming sessions, could be up to $US 10,000. The expected duration for this seed grant is between 6-12 months.
Review of concept notes will be done as concept notes come in so interested applicants are encouraged to submit their concept notes soonest.
Concept notes should be sent in MS Word format following the Concept Note Format via email attachment to (cc:
All concept notes submission should follow the EEPSEA Concept Note Format strictly.
The file name for the attachment should be in the following format:
Last Name<space>Concept note<space>Submission Date (e.g., Hartono Concept Note 01Oct2019).
The subject line should be in the following format:
Last Name<space>Application for Proposal Development Grant (e.g., Hartono Application for Proposal Development Grant)
EEPSEA Call for Concept Note and the Format