Call for Proposal – Small Research Grant 2021

The Economy and Environment Partnership for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) is pleased to announce a call for proposals for the 2021 Small Research Grants up to US$ 8,000 for young researchers from Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar who are starting their career and looking for a chance to gain experience in the field of environmental economics, with close supervision by EEPSEA Senior Economists.

EEPSEA has started its mission since 1993 to support training and research in environmental and natural resource economics in Southeast Asia. Its goal is to strengthen local capacity in the economic analysis of environmental problems so that researchers can provide sound advice to policymakers.


Research topics that apply the tools of economics in the analysis of policy-relevant environmental challenges are invited. EEPSEA accepts research proposals on priority national environmental problems. In addition, it encourages research proposals dealing with:

  • Economics of climate change: Damage assessment and adaptation options
  • Designing behavioral economics tools for green growth strategy: Greening forestry sector, renewable energy, greening consumption.
  • Coastal and marine resources conservation for climate change resilience and poverty reduction
  • Urban poor and the environment: Industrial pollution, ecosystem and human health impact, resilience, policy instruments and institutional changes,

Research proposals should incorporate analysis of the gender dimension of the environmental crisis/problem.


  • Applicants must be a nationality of Cambodia, Lao PDR, or Myanmar;
  • Currently working for a university or research institute,
  • Research projects with partial funding from other sources is acceptable.


Proposals should be in MS Word format, following the Full Proposal Format strictly and uploaded to

The file name should be in the following format: Last Name<space>SRG2021 (e.g., Kim SRG2021).

Please note that together with the proposal, the Principal Researcher needs to attach a two-page C.V. in MS Word format.

(Updated) Research proposal should be received on or before 31 August 2021. Please note: Only accepted applicants will be notified by 17 September 2021.

The Full Proposal Format EEPSEA Proposal Format for SRG

The Call for Proposals for 2021 EEPSEA Small Research Grants